Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas 2013 Year End Sale!

Christmas Promo 2013

Another year another resolution. Give someone a chance to switch from traditional cigarette to a healthier alternative.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

White eGo-C Promotion

20% Mark Down for White Joyetech eGo-C Starter Kit

Christmas came earlier this year for a white eGo-C Starter Kit.

ego promo

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Joyetech eVic Promotion

Yet another Joyetech eVic Promo!

Grabs yours today at RM289.00 Free Shipping within Malaysia. Is even cheaper if you have a coupon code for returning customer.

eVic Promo
eVic Promo

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Joyetech eCa (Evic Changeable Atomizer)

New Arrival Joyetech eCa Atomizer

We just updated our inventory with new Atomizer from Joyetech call eCa. Pretty neat design and definitely no leakage. Comes with O-ring around the cartridges and sit Flush with the Front Cover. First attempt, it feel a bit Airy and a little bulky but  the length is the same with eGo-C Atomizer. Definitely bigger capacity to fill up the liquid which is a Plus. Below are some pictures.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

DV Liquid

Digital Vapor Liquid is back.. purchase now from our online shop while stock last.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Simon Cowell quits his smoking habit

Simon Cowell quits his 40-a-day smoking habit in his quest for eternal youth

Simon Cowell
THE X Factor boss, who started smoking at the age of eight, has ditched his smokes in favour of an electronic cigarette which he's even been seen puffing on during a red carpet outing.

SHEEP placenta facials, colonics, Botox, not to mention injecting ­vitamins, Simon Cowell’s efforts to stave off the ravages of time are never-ending. But now the vain 53-year-old X Factor mogul has made the most sensible decision yet in his quest for eternal youth – to kick his 40-a-day smoking habit. According to his fellow ­Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Holden, Simon has replaced his favourite wrinkle-inducing Kool menthol ­cigarettes with electronic ones. The e-cigarettes work by sucking in water from the atmosphere and releasing vapour that looks like imitation smoke.

Amanda, 42, said: “Simon does not smoke any more. He has got a vaporising cigarette instead. He smokes air, or rather water. It’s amazing.” The devices are huge in LA – where Simon is based for six months a year – and he was recently spotted puffing on an e-ciggy on a red carpet. The multi-millionaire, who once admitted he started smoking at the age of EIGHT, has previously gushed about so-called “cancer sticks”.
He said: “I genuinely still love smoking.
“I equate smoking with having a good time.
“I shouldn’t be saying this but, well, they’re not illegal, are they? After sex – amazing.”
Too much information, Mr Cowell. Far too much. Hopefully, it’ll be third time lucky for the BGT boss, who’s attempted to quit twice before.

In January 2012 he made a New Year resolution to stop with the aid of hypnosis after close friends and family begged him to kick the revolting, and very stinky, habit. With a few sessions under his belt at a pricey London clinic, he managed to reduce his habit from a chain-smoking 44 fags-a-day to 15. Docs then warned workaholic Simon to ditch tabs altogether after he collapsed from nervous exhaustion last summer. A Britain’s Got Talent insider added: “Simon is trying to cut down on the menthols and he’s finding that electronic cigarettes are really helping.” Fingers crossed that they do the trick – and just think what he’ll save on anti-ageing treatments.

Monday, April 22, 2013

e-Cig to Blamed for Decline in Tobacco Sales

declineIn a March report from Morgan Stanley research analysts, it was noted that tobacco cigarettes sales had declined by 4.5 percent compared to projections for 2013*. This is a pretty major success for the American public, but what has caused such a drastic reduction in the use of tobacco?
There are several reasons that have been brought up in speculation. First, the FDA ran a massive ad campaign through the national media to push for smokers to quit the habit once and for all. Could this advertising push have been so effective that it caused such a high number of smokers to put down their cigarettes? Considering how many other widespread campaigns they have used in the past, it’s probably not likely that a single new advertising push is to blame for the major decline in tobacco sales.
Some say the ad campaign couldn't have been that successful so quickly, but perhaps the decline could be attributed to more smoke-free workplaces and new policies that began in early 2013. Others blame the decline on increased taxes on tobacco. But what is the real reason for a 4.5 percent decrease in cigarette sales in the first quarter?
The Morgan Stanley research team said that none of the above reasons was the main contributing factor. Instead, they blamed the decline of tobacco cigarette sales on the massive growth of electronic cigarettes.
Interestingly, this huge health accomplishment among American smokers has not been celebrated publicly. Because the FDA isn't behind the vast success, they seem to be quietly ignoring the situation. It seems almost ironic that the electronic cigarettes that the FDA worked so hard to ban are the one successful alternative that many smokers have chosen as a way to stop using tobacco.
Despite the naysayers that have repeatedly opposed electronic cigarettes, the proof is coming forward each day as more smokers put away their old tobacco cigarettes and pick up e-cigs.
* Source: Adelman DJ, Grainger M, Ayala V, Paxton K. Tobacco: New Years’ Resolutions +

Monday, April 15, 2013

New ViVi Nova STV

The Vivi Nova STV is the latest version of the Nova series and for the relatively low price point it really is a very nice vape indeed! With a tank that holds around 3.5ml of E-Liquid, a strong outer metal shell with viewing windows and cheap replacement atomiser heads that are a doddle to switch over, you cant go wrong really. The Vivi Nova is compatible with most of batteries on the market which comes with 510 or eGo threading for example eGo-C and eVic  It is about 19mm in diameter and has a total length of 70mm with the drip tip installed.

Vivi Nova stv

Vivi Nova stv
Vivi Nova stv
Vivi Nova stv

Vivi Nova stvVivi Nova stv

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New eVic Tube Available!

White eVic Tube
eVic Tube
Black and white eVic TubeBlack eVic Tube

Symptoms you may experience

Symptoms you may experience when you start using electronic cigarettes

When you begin using electronic cigarettes as a tobacco alternative, it’s common to experience symptoms as your body reacts, adapts to the changes and rids itself of the chemicals present in tobacco smoke. Some symptoms will come and go over a period of a few days. Most are gone within a few weeks and everyone’s experience is different.

It is important to know about and properly attribute symptoms to tobacco withdrawal as these symptoms are widely known, reported and studied. Symptoms experienced by e-cigarette use are most commonly the result of this process and experienced by anyone  ridding their system of tobacco.

Some people do experience symptoms from e-cigarettes most commonly due to allergies of ingredient compounds and throat irritation. Those will be covered in a separate article.

The effects of nicotine withdrawal are mitigated if you are using nicotine-containing cartridges for your electronic cigarette, but due all of the tar, carcinogens and other chemicals in tobacco smoke and the years of buildup, some of these symptoms may still occur.

It is important to remember that your body is undergoing a change. Usually, symptoms that result from the switch to e-cigarettes are a response to that change and go away eventually, usually within a week or so. If you experience severe or prolonged symptoms, consult your doctor.

Coughing , congestion, phlegm, sputum and throat clearing:
These are the most common symptoms you may experience as you transition away from tobacco smoking. The amount of time you will experience them depends on how heavy a smoker you were.
Coughing is most commonly caused by the cilia that line your lungs cleaning out the tar and mucus. Your body is in the process of cleaning out all of the junk coating the surface of your tissues and will cough it up in the form of phlegm. It’s not pretty, but think of it as a makeover on the inside. This is a good thing.
Studies have shown that this process begins within a few days. You will most likely experience a morning cough for about a week, and clearing for up to a month. Recommendation: Consume lots of water to help this process along. For sinus congestion, take an over-the-counter medication until it dissipates.

Related to the coughing and throat clearing process above, all of that tissue regeneration can give you a froggy-sounding voice.  Recommendation: Suck on throat lozenges and drink lots of water to sooth your throat.

Increased instances of the common cold:
Studies have shown that colds are more prevalent during this period (see reference). As your body is ridding itself of toxins and adapting to change, your immune system is working overtime. Recommendation: Take it easy, drink lots of water and take vitamins to help your body along.

Also known as the “quit zits”, mild breakouts are a common occurrence. They are the result of the body releasing toxins and more prevalent with those who experienced breakouts at a young age. This will pass as your body adjusts.

Mouth Ulcers:
A scientifically studied symptom that can occur when you quit tobacco, mouth ulcers are small legions on the roof of your mouth, gums and the inside of your cheeks (see reference). Smoke is an irritant and your gums and mouth tissues build up a “crust” over time. As your body sloughs off and replaces damaged tissue with new, healthy tissue, these small lesions may develop.
Recommendation: Rinse your mouth often with water to help control irritation and promote healing.

This annoying symptom has been documented in the use of cessation aids like nicotine gums as people swallow nicotine into their stomach. While not damaging, it can be very annoying.
This may also occur with e-cigarettes if you hold the vapor in your mouth and the nicotine finds its way into your saliva. Recommendation: To prevent this, avoid holding the vapor in your mouth and breathe it in instead.

Heartburn or acid reflux symptoms can be attributed to quitting smoking, but it can also be caused by too much nicotine. Recommendation: Try lowering your nicotine strength. If the problem persists for over a week, consult your doctor.

Headaches, Nausea, Shaking:
When switching to e-cigs, you are most likely experiencing some change in your nicotine consumption. It may be more or less than your body is accustomed to. This fluctuation can cause these symptoms which shouldn’t last more than a few days. Recommendation: Try different nicotine strengths until you settle into one that suits your needs and make adjustments slowly.
Insomnia and dreams
Your body is going through changes and this life change also can affect you psychologically. Many people find an increased sensitivity to caffeine during this time. Recommendation: Try drinking less coffee and tea or make them weaker until the sleeplessness subsides.

Switching away from tobacco can cause dizziness as your circulation increases. Your brain is getting more oxygen! This should only last for a brief period of time until you adjust.
A second cause of dizziness can be attributed to too much nicotine from your e-cigarette. If you find yourself puffing on it all day, you may need to alternate between high and low nicotine strengths. Or you may be using a nicotine strength that is too high for you. If the problem persists, consult your doctor.
Itching, tingling, prickling
Have patience. These symptoms (if mild) are only due to increased circulation. They should disappear in a few weeks.

Changing sense of taste:
As your body rids itself of tar, chemicals and tissue buildup, you will notice an increased ability to taste and smell. Things that were good before may taste too salty or too strong and foods your previously found bland may all the sudden taste delicious. This holds true to your cartridges flavors. You may suddenly dislike your favorite flavor and enjoy flavors you found awful the first time around! This is an ongoing process.
Another change in taste can occur if you use menthol cartridges heavily. The properties in menthol can dull your sense of taste temporarily; giving you something called “menthol mouth”.  This can make your carts seem tasteless. Recommendation: If your experience this, stop using menthol for a little while until your taste buds recover. Cough drops have also been reported to help.

Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps, spasms and aches:
As more oxygen enters your system and circulation improves, you may experience some aches and pains. This is a normal part of flushing out your system and regeneration after you stop smoking tobacco.
It can also be a symptom of dehydration. E-cig ingredients can have a drying effect on your mouth and body. Drink lots of water to counteract any dehydration.
This may last a few weeks. Recommended: Stay away from gassy foods like beans, cabbage and broccoli.
You may experience this when you stop using tobacco, but it could also be intolerance to PG (propylene glycol). Try switching to a VG (vegetable glycerin) based

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Best Ways to Quit Smoking?

Have You Discovered the Best Ways to Quit Smoking?

I've never found anyone in the world who can quit smoking successfully in an instant. The truth is, it takes such hard efforts to really quit smoking and some people even smoke harder than before after spending several weeks without smoking any cigarette. We all know that smoking is dangerous to our health and those smokers do. Yet, they still find it hard to get rid of this habit and start a new healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking is a vital decision to accomplish though only one compared to a thousand of people can be successful enough in accomplishing this. You can find out several methods offered through e-books, health magazines, and several articles that you can find through the Web. There are so many ways—from the most modern until the most traditional ones. Based on recent research, none of those ways are proven to be effective.

Joyetech eGo-C A type Electronic CigaretteActually, the best ways to quit smoking is by opting for electronic cigarettes. It makes sense because this device can provide the feeling like real smoking on conventional cigarettes. This battery operated device can provide what tobacco cigarettes offer without all those dangerous substances which are available to them. Most manufacturers of e-cigarettes have designed and created those devices with a chamber which can turn liquid nicotine into a vapor puff. So, smokers can still feel the nicotine without getting the risk of their health like what they have when they smoke real cigarettes. It is the nicotine cartridges which are available in various levels in which smokers can opt. So, anyone who is about to reduce their nicotine amount can just choose various cartridges, until he can stop smoking.

There should be no worry about the price because electronic cigarettes can be much cheaper compared to conventional tobacco cigarettes. One can count how many packs of tobacco cigarettes that he smokes daily and if he opts for a package of electronic cigarette with several cartridges, chargers and some flavor options, he can save much money because he can inhale the cigarette many times a day and for several years. Surely, one is still dealing with nicotine and this substance has an addictive feature. This electronic cigarette is surely the best thing for those who want to stop smoking. This is not for those who do not smoke at all, but they want to try one.

e-Cigarettes have various flavors of menthol to strawberry flavors. They are available in extensive choices so that anyone can opt, based on their tastes. There are even electronic cigarettes which are especially designed for ladies. They are mostly available in various interesting colors and gorgeous design so that ladies will feel gorgeous and comfortable at the same time when using them. If you are interested in having one because of your strong desire to stop smoking, try to browse the internet to find the best products of electronic cigarettes which are available in various sizes, shapes and sizes. Most of the designs are sophisticated enough for anyone to hold. Prices are also varied from one manufacturer to another. Make sure you choose from reputable manufacturer so that you can rest assured that you have purchased the right product and can use it for a longer time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Michelle Rodriguez on electronic cigarette

Calling it quits: Action star Michelle Rodriguez reaches for an electronic cigarette in effort to give up smoking habit

Michelle RodriguezAfter a night of partying with the likes of Katy Perry and Diddy, actress Michelle Rodriguez didn’t opt for her usual pack of cigarettes to help her relax.
The action star appears to be looking after her health and the environment by choosing to unwind with an electronic cigarette.

Spotted leaving Robin Thicke’s birthday party at Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood on Saturday night, the 34-year-old actress looked fresh-faced and makeup-free—a suggestion that she’s started to take better care of herself and her skin by avoiding a former nasty habit.
Michelle RodriguezKnown for being in tip-top shape for her roles in films like Avatar and the Fast & Furious series, Michelle slipped into skinny grey trousers which hugged her svelte legs.
Always one for the tomboy look, she draped an oversized grey scarf over a black blazer and studded blouse, and finished off her party outfit with trendy Isabel Marant sneaker wedges.

Tucked into the back seat of a car, relieved from the party, Michelle reached for a smokeless cigarette.
The device's green tip suggests health benefits come with choosing an e-cigarette.
With no tar and no ash, the star can now smoke wherever she pleases.
Perhaps the smokeless alternative will keep Michelle looking fresh alongside her Fast & Furious 6 co-stars.
The series’ sixth installment is set to hit theatres on May 24 of this year.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Re-Stocked eGo-C and eRoll

Dear Customers,

After a long waiting, Joyetech eGo-C (Type A) and Joyetech eRoll (White,Black) has arrived and moving very fast. Place your order today before it run's out again !

Joyetech eRoll Electronic Cigarette
Joyetech eGo-C Electronic Cigarette

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Intelligent Electronic Cigarette

Joyetech Stocks New Intelligent Electronic Cigarette

Joyetech eVic Electronic CigaretteBlackburn, UK -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/01/2013 -- Innovative Electronic Cigarette producer Joyetech have released a new state-of-the-art E Cig that allows total freedom to the vaper. The eVic V1.2 houses an electronic display screen with various setting modes allowing the vaper to completely customise their experience.

Available from trusted supplier Joyetech; the eVic (an acronym for electronic-Vapour Intelligent Cigarette) monitors the vaping behaviour of its users and records all of the information onto their PC daily, weekly and monthly.

The eVic V1.2 allows the vaper to set the number of inhalations that can be taken at one time. This customisation is so accurate and precise that even a single inhalation can be personalised. These restrictions will allow the E Liquid and battery to last considerably longer.

The screen displays both the current inhalation number and the remaining inhalations number. With these factors, the users can witness how far through the experience they are. The intelligent technology will measure the resistance of the atomizer that is being used and recommend the ideal output to use.

Furthermore, the eVic allows the user to view the battery life and current voltage of the Electronic Cigarette. This provides total transparency in regards to what the Electronic Cigarette is producing and how it is producing it, allowing the user greater confidence in the control of the device.

It is incredibly simple to increase and decrease the output voltage of the eVic. The display also contains a warning, should the temperature be rising too high. This allows for greater care to be taken of the product which can increase the life span of the Electronic Cigarette. All of the information is provided on a screen known as the eVic Control Head.

Joyetech eVic Electronic CigaretteAll of the settings can be customised by the user from their computer. This makes it a lot simpler for users to receive the vaping experience that they desire.

In a rapidly growing industry; the eVic V1.2 uses software updates to allow the user access to new technologies and breakthroughs. This will allow those who invest in the eVic to stay abreast of the newest electronic cigarette innovations.

This innovation marks another step towards TECC’s ultimate goal of creating an Electronic Cigarette that caters personally for each and every customer.

About Joytech

Joyetech supply a wide range of Electronic Cigarette products and kits from high-quality, respected producers.